Wednesday, February 25, 2009

News Flash: Available for Work

News Flash: I need money!
Getting back on my feet in such a spectacular fashion is wildly expensive! No, this isn’t a plea for donations or loans, it’s a plea for work. I can take temporary, part-time work between now and my departure in August. And while I will consider just about anything, ideally I’d do something that uses my existing skills.
Obviously, I could jump right into just about any editing (including technical editing) or writing job, given my 20-something years in journalism. (I'd expect remuneration in the range of $25 an hour -- I know, a real deal. But even so, I'm open to negotiation.)
However, I’m also entrepreneurial and capable in many areas --- and my mind is wide open to possibilities. So help me think creatively!
Here’s my key experience:

➢ *I’ve started and managed several successful small businesses, both retail and wholesale, including a food manufacturing business.
➢ I’ve managed small staffs, handling the paperwork, payroll, scheduling and workplace issues.
➢ I’ve served on the board of directors (or similar body) of four non-profit organizations, so I understand the issues associated with running a organization whose mission is paramount.

And I while I’ve had minimal professional experience in food service, I’ve prepared and served food as a flight attendant (back when they served roast beef and caviar on airplanes!) and, more recently, as an assistant to a chef doing tasting dinners.

So, I’m ready to work! I need to work!

Can you help?

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